
Jonatan Samuël

Jonatan Samuël is a prophet and senior global leader of Vision Centre. With a heart for his generation, Jonatan stepped into ministry from a young age and remains fully committed to seeing lives transformed by change and reformation.

With an apostolic grace, he carries a strong prophetic gift which is seen through his bold delivery of powerful preaching and intense prophetic ministration. Traveling internationally, Jonatan’s ministry has impacted many around the world, as he strives to empower people from different walks of life to reach their fullest potential with God’s voice and direction.

Jonatan has a passion to see growth, boldness, and fire in the lives of God’s people. With a degree in church leadership, he provides support to those who say ‘yes’ to the call of God.

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Probeer Alpha

Alpha is een reeks groepsgesprekken die vrijelijk de basis van het christelijk geloof verkennen in een open, vriendelijke omgeving. Iedereen is welkom. Ongeacht je achtergrond of overtuigingen, je bent uitgenodigd.

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Helpt je een persoonlijke, authentieke verbinding met God op te bouwen.

Audio | Video


Prepare to be encouraged, built up and transformed!

The Vault

Tune in to Jonatan's latest podcast!
The Vault, is the place where knowledge and clear direction is given to equip you to be the best version you can be with God on your side.
Listen to more!

Invite Jonatan

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Online Academy


...coming soon!

Be equipped and empowered to walk in the fullness of what God has said concerning you.

Join Jonatan for his highly anticipated online academy, where you will learn, grow, and strive in your calling.

Sign up today to be notified when EquipU will soon be launching.

Partner with us


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Jonatan Samuël Ministries


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